Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How to romance Fenris&Anders in Dragon age 2?

I've given him his gift and we are friends.(I get the friend buff)

I believe I have flirted with him every change I got. Also I have completed his side quest.

The same goes for anders except his friendship is almost max(even a bit higher then fenris)

I can't get either of them to "bunnybump" me though :(

I have already gotten isabella and then merril..but I can't get these two for some reason--even though we are friends.

Any ideas?

You don't need all their armor do you?|||I was able to 'get with' both Anders and Fenris in act two.

Make sure that you are flirting every chance you get, and keep remembering to visit them now and then and also visit your home at night to see if they show up.

Keep checking your journal to see if there are side quests for each of them you might not be seeing. As long as you're doing their quests and flirting with them, you shouldn't even need to give them gifts to make them want to do the beast with two backs. ;]

Hope that helps!|||I think it might be that I didn't have his friendship(or hate) high enough during the scene after his quest to trigger his"love" later at the estate.

From what I've seen on you tube that is the convo that finally helps get them I guess? and if you're not high enough then..then I guess your screwed.

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|||even if you raise them up later and are still in act 2. I dunno..somebody can prove me wrong?

But I was pretty much done with act 2 and had to move on. I still have a save before though so I can give it another run through.

But yeah the scene goes differently if you have the points up higher I think

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|||I know I had very high friendship with Anders in act two, but with Fenris I was in the middle of friendship and neutral. Are you making sure to 'Investigate' each time you're having conversations with them? That can unlock new information for you and add new responses.

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|||Maybe if you didn't 'find' a few of the flirting options, it wouldnt give you enough to tip the scale for them. Sorry I can't actually prove anything. Just speculation.

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